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About Us:

WRA is a local not-for-profit, 501(c)3 group that has been active in Wichita for over 40 years. Its membership is made up of individuals, many of whom rowed in college, who love the sport, the challenge, the camaraderie and who want to see rowing grow in Wichita. 

The many WRA programs provide opportunities for members to learn and apply a variety of levels of rowing that include physical fitness, competitive conditioning and character building. Coxswains (cox for short) are a special niche in rowing. The cox not only steers the boat but also has a chance to excel mentally and improve leadership and decision making skills. 

WRA has hosted the annual Frostbite Regatta since 1992. This event on the Little Arkansas River draws rowing clubs and collegiate teams from all over the midwest. 

Where to Find Us?

Based in our boathouse on the Little Arkansas River in Riverside park, we also row on the Big Arkansas River in downtown Wichita.  The club owns a number of rowing shells and other equipment for the use of its members. Proper maintenance of the equipment and safety are priorities of the club.

We also offer rowing lessons throughout the spring, summer and fall, as well as high school rowing program and masters program. Club rows, both formal and informal, are scheduled throughout the year.

Browse our site, stop by the river, give us a call - we would love to introduce you to rowing on the plains!

The Riverside Rowing Center is located at South Riverside Park,  531 Nims Street, Wichita, KS 67203  (next to the Tennis Center)

Wichita Rowing Association

P.O. Box 2785, Wichita, KS 67201-2785
Riverside Rowing Center located at
531 Nims | South Riverside Park

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